When you are wealthy and famous the luxuries area natural part of your lifestyle. We all enjoy a good ride and so does some of our favourite celebrities. They have amazing collections of the most spectacular and expensive vehicles that we can only dream about. Premium and unique cars have always been one of the best ways to show off a big bank account, social power and style. That is why it is no surprise that famous people often order individual vehicles to make a social statement of prosperity. We have listed our most adored celebrities cars together, and they will leave you dreaming for at least one ride.


One of the Hollywood superstars for years now, Julia Roberts has an estimated net worth of $140 million. She has an amazingly high box office draw, her memorable roles and performances in movies awarded with an Oscar only prove how talented and appreciated actress she is. In spite of all that glamour and fame, she seems to enjoy a simple and ordinary life, rolling around town with her Toyota Prius. Perhaps the new generation of Hollywood stars can learn a lesson from Julia.
